Welcome to the world of Mike McCorkle and the wild ride experience of unicycle art! Mike, a local entrepreneur, took up unicycle painting after suffering what he thought might be heatstroke while working at his lawn maintenance business. He had visions of riding his unicycle, which he'd been doing since he was 11 years old, through paint, and creating unique works of art. Mike's distinctive style reflects the positive attitude he has carried throughout his life, which he hopes can inspire others to follow their dreams as he has.

My first job was working for a small newspaper. I was hired in the circulation department, but My uncle told me if you what to have a fun job, get into news media . My uncle was a news media photographer. He taught me a lot about photography and how to work in a darkroom. When the small newspaper found out that I had good camera equipment and my own darkroom, I started to get photographic assignments.

In the 20 years I had my studio open, I had the opportunity through the Chamber and the different radio stations to meet many celebrities, dignitaries and royalty such as the Queen of England, Sarah Ferguson, President Bush, Sr., George Strait, Tammy Wynette, Cherly Tiegs, among others. However, after 20 years it was time for something different and I was having a major itch to go places and do things, especially to do things that didn’t have the overhead of the studio.

Now I'm back in school at Neuhaus Education Center for Dyslexics where I am going back to the very basics and learning to read at 48 years old. I’m attending classes and doing homework. It’s a real Commitment.

Local photographer studies community’s past,
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
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